Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Meet Jenny Steadman, Acting Director of Potential Project and my first guest in conversation for Season 3 of the Rawthentic Leadership Podcast. The topic of our conversation was, in my opinion, the perfect choice for the start of a new business year, ‘The Essence of Mindfulness in leadership’.
Here are some of the many topics we covered. You can listen to the podcast on all major platforms and the BrainSmart website:-
- A synopsis of Jenny’s eclectic career, starting out as a classical musician
- Jenny’s interesting introduction to mindfulness
- A working, practical definition of mindfulness
- Why we need mindfulness more than ever before as leaders
- Practical tips to catch moments of stillness
- The power of a short body scan
- Using mindfulness to quickly destress
- Supercharging our insight when it comes to making judgements
- The link between mindfulness and mitigating bias
- The benefits of cognitive flexibility
- How mindfulness came into mainstream business
- Mindful mayonnaise!
- The increase in peer-reviewed research on the benefits of mindfulness in the workplace
- The work of the Potential Project
- The interesting impact of mindfulness on physical safety in the workplace
- Compassionate Leadership – How to do hard things in a human way (book link in the comments)
- When care is a barrier to action
- How empathy can be a double-edged sword
- The difference between empathy and compassion
- What it means to be fully present
- Two small yet effective strategies to experience mindfulness
You can connect with Jenny using the following links:-
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-steadman/
Jenny’s website https://www.jennysteadman.com.au/
Potential Project https://www.potentialproject.com/
Client case studies - https://www.potentialproject.com/clients
Compassionate Leadership – the book - https://www.compassionateleadershipbook.com/
Mindful mayonnaise! https://www.godairyfree.org/product-reviews/earth-balance-mindful-mayo
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or is Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please head to https://ko-fi.com/brainsmart to donate - thank you!
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
A Conversation with your Podcast Host Clare Edwards
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Today I bring you a conversation with a difference, it’s with me.
Over the past few months I have been approached by listeners with the odd question and so the idea emerged to answer them in a podcast.
I approached the wonderful Trent Rosen, Learning and Development manager of Canteen Australia and asked if he would interview me as he knew me a little from work we had done together pre covid but he didn’t know me too well.
It was certainly an experience and I have developed even more admiration of and empathy for my podcast guests as committing to the essence of being real, raw and authentic can also be a place of vulnerability.
No real show notes - that would be a little self-indulgent!
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or is Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please head to https://ko-fi.com/brainsmart to donate - thank you!
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Leading with Culture - a Conversation with Michael Henderson of Cultures at Work
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Today I bring you a fascinating and insightful conversation with Michael Henderson, corporate anthropologist, culture expert and my latest guest in conversation for the Rawthentic Leadership podcast on ‘Leading with Culture’.
Michael has overseen or supported over 300 company culture transformations in countries around the world and in many different sectors, and our conversation delivers fascinating insights into organisational culture, what it is and isn’t, surprising statistics about levels of proactive investment in building culture and much, much more.
Here are a few of the golden nuggets gleaned from our conversation:-
- The percentage of organisations that are aligning culture to strategy
- The culture/strategy chicken and egg problem
- The ‘speaking about’ versus ‘knowing about’ culture conundrum
- The staff/leadership knowledge and awareness gaps
- Why culture isn’t top of the strategic agenda
- One word that makes all the difference when defining culture
- What culture really is
- Brining culture to life
- What cultural anthropologists do and how it differs from other culture transformation specialists
- An insight into cognitive anthropology
- How humans ‘think’ about culture
- How to broaden your ‘schematic vocabulary’
- Problems versus perspectives
- The value of uncovering perspectives – a case study
- The impact of leaders on culture
- Michael’s take on leadership
- Culture considerations in mergers and acquisitions
- Maintaining culture in a hybrid world
- A great example of a remote culture working well
- How leaders can leave a legacy of maintaining culture
- Case study of a real estate business that wasn’t in real estate – what business are you in?
- What leaders must get clear on to succeed
Michael’s book 'Above the Line: How to Create a Company Culture that Engages Employees, Delights Customers and Delivers Results' can be purchased here
You can connect with Michael on LinkedIn here
In the new year Michael will be making his culturing programs available for individuals (currently only available to organisations). For more information please follow this link https://www.culturesatwork.com/culture-programs
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or is Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please head to https://ko-fi.com/brainsmart to donate - thank you!
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Leading with Values - a Converstion with Dr John Demartini of the Demartini Institute
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Today I bring you a thought-provoking and sometimes challenging conversation with Dr John Demartini, an incredible man who has inspired, and challenged, thousands of people to recognise their full potential.
Our chosen topic is ‘Leading with Values’ and we cover it from multiple perspectives, including how to shift values in your hierarchy and dealing with conflicting values in relationships.
Our conversation starts with the story of how Dr John came to discover the significance of values.
Here are a few of the golden nuggets gleaned from our conversation:-
- Why some people are unaware of their hierarchy of values
- The fear that stops us living to our values
- The areas of our life depending on values
- Our value-givers from childhood and the impact this has on our lives
- How your body & mind tell you that you’re not living to your values
- The values determination process
- How to shift priorities up your hierarchy of values
- How we sabotage our values
- How to deal with conflicting values in a relationship
- Challenging the concept of organisational values
- How values can help in the hiring process
- The questions to answer to determine you real values
- The link between values and self-worth
- The story of how Dr John has boundless energy for what he does
- The teacher who inspired Dr John and his resulting epiphany
- Dr Demartini’s inspiring closing message that everyone needs to hear!
I studied with Dr John and took part in his breakthrough experience twice. It was life-changing for me and I am happy to share how it changed my life if you are curious. This was a deeply personal transformation so I would prefer to share on a 1 to 1 basis.
Resources by Dr John
Value Determination Process - a 13-step process that will help you to uncover your highest priorities.
Website - www.drdemartini.com
The Values Factor The Secret to Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling Life
The 7 Secret Treasures A Transformational Blueprint for a Well-Lived Life – released 25th October 2022
Here is a short excerpt on values from the book
“Look deeply and profoundly into your life and find out where your mind is already alert. You know you have it, so don’t lie to yourself by saying you don’t. Where is your mind most alert? Where is it creative? Where is it spontaneous? Where does it have the power to answer questions quickly? Where does it think creatively?
Don’t stop until you find that area. Acknowledge it, write it down, and don’t let anybody on the outside impose on you the belief that you don’t have it.
I don’t know about you, but I have yet to see anybody who gets up in the morning and says, “I want to be less. I want to shrink.” There’s a yearning inside all of us to expand our awareness and potential. We serve the world by shining, not shrinking, and as a result, we have a desire to expand our mind. If we don’t, we constrict our life.
Free Workbook on Empowerment - 7 Steps to expand to the next level of empowerment
Free Masterclass for podcast listeners - 7 free masterclasses available for listeners on topics including financial freedom, self-love, universal laws and much more.
Awakening your Astronomical Vision - This free gift has a $50 value and is recorded in a planetarium against the backdrop of stars and planets that make up our solar system. Dr. Demartini is at his best sharing a profound presentation that reaches from the astronomical vision to the daily actions that shape your most inspired and profound destiny as a person.
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or is Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please head to https://ko-fi.com/brainsmart to donate - thank you!
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Leading with Purpose - a Conversation with Daniel Flynn of Thankyou
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Today I bring you an inspiring conversation with Daniel Flynn, co-founder of Thankyou, a for profit social enterprise selling consumer products* where 100% of profits go to funding projects globally that are aimed at ending extreme poverty and owned 100% by a Charitable Trust.
The topic for today’s conversation is ‘Leading with Purpose’ and Daniel shares his story from the very first moment he knew that he needed to do something big and that nothing would stop him or his co-founders (best mate and girlfriend now wife).
What I love about this conversation is that we dive deep from the outset and Daniel’s willingness to share so openly makes for an experience that epitomises the essence of rawthenticity.
Here are a few of the golden nuggets gleaned from our conversation:-
- Great journeys begin with a moment; the moment that started a movement
- The irony of water consumption and Thankyou’s first product
- What stops us from taking action to make the unseen seen
- The phenomenon of cause fatigue
- The rollercoaster journeys of Thankyou as highlighted in Daniels’ book ‘Chapter One’
- When the going gets tough and you feel like quitting
- The significance of mentors
- Daniel’s journey to discover his purpose – peeling back the onion layers (key questions to reflect on)
- The power of silence to reveal our purpose
- Is my ladder up against the right wall?
- A profound definition of leadership
- The gift of a youthful, childlike mindset
- Blue sky days
- Being ruthlessly open and transparent
- A definition of integrity
- The 5 core values that drive Thankyou’s culture
- Daniel’s experience of being interviewed by Barack Obama
- Practical and precious advice for those struggling with their purpose
- The power of ‘what if?’
- The strength of the Thankyou tribe of supporters and Thankyou’s bold and cheeky supermarket campaign
*I’ve been buying Thankyou’s product for years; they are great quality and highly affordable -available in a supermarket near you!
Thankyou’s website https://thankyou.co/
Thankyou's range of products https://thankyou.co/categories
Daniel’s book ‘Chapter One’ https://au.shop.thankyou.co/products/chapter-one-book
Thankyou’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/thankyouaus (where you can watch their infamous Coles and Woolworths campaign!)
Daniel being interviewed by Barack Obama - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dp8kFwptFM
A great blog on how to create your values - https://thankyou.co/blog/2019/11/what-are-your-values
#leadingwithpurpose #purpose #socialenterprise #perserverence #resilience #inspiration #rawthenticity #podcast
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or is Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please head to https://ko-fi.com/brainsmart to donate - thank you!
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Leading with Recognition - a Conversation with Debra Corey of DebCo HR
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Today I bring you a a value-packed conversation with Debra Corey, Chief Pay it Forward Officer of DebCo HR that focuses on the critical subject of recognition. Debra is so generous in her storytelling and sharing of case studies and also offers advice on how to create a recognition program on a shoestring
Here are a few of the golden nuggets gleaned from our conversation:-
- Debra’s first bucket list achievement
- Why recognition was chosen as a speciality
- How some recognition strategies can result in exclusion and a lack of appreciation
- Heineken – a case study of joy
- The difference between recognition and appreciation
- The neuroscience of recognition
- How recognising people is good for stress
- How well-defined recognition programs significantly impact employee retention
- Recognition as a key driver of people leaving organisations
- Statistics around the benefits of recognition
- The power of informal recognition
- Understanding how people want to be recognised and differing considerations
- Burton’s biscuits and LinkedIn’s recognition programs
- Using a people-centred approach to creating programs
- The many and varied dimensions of recognition
- The recognition rebelution
- Acting on employee feedback
- Recognition in a virtual/hybrid environment – key considerations
- Recognition programs on a shoestring!
- A 3 step recognition model
- The 4 things we must do when recognising people
- The power of story in recognition
- Keeping a recognition/success/brag file
Debra’s website is here
You can connect directly with Debra on LinkedIn here
Debra’s books are:-
- Appreciate it! The Playbook for Employee Recognition
- Bringing Your Values Out to Play
- Build It: The Rebel Playbook for Employee Engagement
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or is Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please donate here – thank you!
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
A highly upbeat and practical conversation with Nikki Beaumont, CEO of recruitment specialists Beaumont People on the topic ‘Leading people before profit’. Nikki has been approached frequently to share her experience of implementing a four day work week (pre pandemic), a gender neutral parental leave policy and to share the successes of Beaumont people in the charity sector and with their awards for ‘A best place to work’.
- The ‘must keeps’ and ‘let go ofs’ when creating a recruitment company from scratch
- Tough decisions in tough times
- The challenges of sticking to a ‘placing people first’ policy in difficult times
- Turning the support tables in the pandemic
- How the 4 day work week came about and what (or rather who) influenced Nikki to make the change early in 2020
- Beaumont People’s gender neutral parental leave scheme
- The elements of company culture that make the policies work
- The importance of measuring outcomes and conditions requires to focus on outcomes over hours worked
- Sound advice on where to start
- How Nikki and team landed the best place to work and moved up 7 places in a year!
- Nikki and the team have saved over 320 charities more than $30 million in recruitment fees. Read about it here
The meaningful work profile tool that Nikki mentioned can be accessed here
The Beaumont People website is https://www.beaumontpeople.com.au/
Nikki and Beaumont people feature in a number of books and publications
Let’s Talk Culture – Shane Michael Hatton
For Love & Money – Carolyn Butler Madden
Breaking the Gender Code – Danielle Dobson
You can connect directly with Nikki on LinkedIn here
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or if Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
Please also subscribe on our YouTube channel.
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please head to https://ko-fi.com/brainsmart to donate - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please donate here – thank you!
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Leading with your Truth - a Conversation with Steven B Crane
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Today I bring you probably the most rawthentic conversation I’ve had the honour to be a part of since the podcast began. Our topic is ‘Leading with your Truth’ and my guest Steven Crane shares the sometimes brutal reality of life that takes every ounce of self-leadership to get through to the other side and thrive.
Though raw and at times confronting, this conversation is filled with hope and optimism for a brighter future for all who want it and are prepared to work for it.
Here are a few of the golden nuggets gleaned from our conversation though I would urge you to listen first:-
- The drivers behind Steven’s decision to join the US Marine Corps
- Realisations from time spent in one of the toughest military disciplines
- How a lateral move request changed Steven’s life and career trajectory
- What you truly care about when you hit rock bottom and find yourself homeless
- When you’re achieving everything and still feeling like a failure
- The life-saving power of reframing
- Embracing the truth and waking up to yourself
- Using education to turn things around
- The metaphor of the box and the bogey man
- How Steven uses his time now to help others and himself
- Steven’s book and its great working title
- What the future holds for Steven and his message for anyone looking to lead with their truth
If anything in this podcast episode has triggered your need for help, please reach out to the many and various organisations in your country
You can connect directly with Steven on LinkedIn here and his email address is steven at stevencrane.com
You can learn more about Steven’s journey here
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or if Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
Please also subscribe on our YouTube channel.
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please donate here – thank you!
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Meet Jane Hemingway-Mohr, founder, CEO and Head Coach of Leading Edge Professional Development. Our conversation today centres on leadership in action, focusing on building leadership and high performing team capabilities in real time and in a very special environment.
All will be revealed as you listen to this episode.
Here are a few of the golden nuggets gleaned from our conversation:-
- Jane’s early leadership experiences in a ‘flat’ hierarchy and with a leader who role modelled great leadership
- How horses
- demonstrate shared leadership
- ‘speak loudly’ feeding back their observations
- look for leadership and what they do if they don’t find it
- demonstrate the need for safety and or leadership if it is lacking
- teach us about trust and inclusion
- An epiphany about leadership with empathy
- A lesson for facilitators
- ‘Herds are to horses as teams are to people’!
- Jane’s perspective on the critical elements of leadership
- When the equine coaches want to change jobs!
- What happens if program participants are afraid of horses
I am excited to be collaborating with Jane where the experiential element of our BrainSmart Leadership Academy will be training with our equine co-coaches.
You can find out more about Jane and her team at https://leadingedgeprofessionaldevelopment.com.au/
You can connect directly with Jane on LinkedIn here
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or if Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
Please also subscribe on our YouTube channel.
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please donate here – thank you!
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Leading with Gratitude - a Conversation with Toni Powell
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Today I bring you an open and warm conversation with Toni Powell, keynote speaker, wellbeing wonder worker, gratitude expert and self-confessed worrywart.
Our conversation focuses on the power of gratitude, what life was like for Toni before she discovered gratitude and why it’s an essential leadership capability.
Here are some of the key areas we covered:-
- How Toni discovered the antidote to depression
- Getting the order of circumstance and gratitude the right way round; what flipped the switch for Toni
- Toni's definition of gratitude, what it is and isn't and why it's definitely not soft
- Gratitude as a leadership capability; a heart-warming success story
- Six simple steps to find a gratitude practise
- The ripple effect of gratitude
Toni is a Keynote Speaker at Happiness and its Causes 17th & 18th March 2022 in Sydney (hybrid) there are still tickets!
You can connect with Toni on Instagram and LinkedIn or her websites https://www.tonipowell.com or https://tonipowell.me
Watch her fabulous TEDx Talk, The Power of Words or purchase her books here
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 4 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_leadership_podcasts/
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential so if you enjoy the podcast, please head over to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and review or is Spotify is your platform of Choice please follow us - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please donate here – thank you!